Brood Mares
Young Stock-Fillies
Young Stock-Colts/Geldings
Off The Track Thoroughbreds
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foaling news
For Sale
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Click on Thoroughbred photo to link to Uhavta thoroughbred web site


NEWS  2015

 News 2014 News 2013 News 2012 News 2011

 News 2010 News 2009 News 2008 News 2007 News 2006

News 2005  News 2004  News 2003


December 2015

Foal and paddock  pics

Foals in the paddock

Uhavta Pickme "Paddy" (Uhavta Country Charm / Uhavta Royal Emerald)


Uhavta Paty Girl "Pandora" (Uhavta Kensington / Kirreway Dover)

"Valmae" (Lucas Cranach / Carbonados), Thoroughbred filly

Boonee Jammer (20 years young) and Kinghtbridge Royale

Uhavta Hourglass, blossoming in the paddock


Fenwick Odie

Odies last bath at Uhavta.

(Odie at Oaks day Flemington 2014, lead rein pony Swan Hill show 2013)

Our beloved Odie is now owned by Charli Woodward and the Woodward family.

We purchased Odie as a foal to be a racehorse companion and child's pony.

Odie exceeded all our expectations.

Odie has had numerous children ride him and he has taught and given many children the confidence to ride solo.

Now it is Odie and Charli's turn. Please give Odie los of hugs and kisses from us, as he is sadly missed but we are excited at the same time for the bond that will grow with Odie and Charl.


more pictures go to Odies page

"Charli Meeting Odie for the first time."


Victoria State Awards arrived for Dilute Australia Awards.

  • Thank you for the lovely trophies that arrived. Two very excited children.

Uhavta Royal Juliette's Bonze, Silver, gold awards for Diamond and Hi Point Led Buckskin Mare

Hi Point performance buckskin-Uhavta Royal Juliette and medals for Prism Award.


Uhavta Royal Nursery Rhyme-Hi Point Palomino under 3 years


Australian Saddle pony Victorian Championships

  • Had a great ASP Victorian Championships. We took five ponies to support the show and all ponies performed well. Except Rustette had a pain at the end of the day got got stressed with the little insects. Is all ok now.


  • Champion child rider (Alannah)
  • Reserve champion child handler (Alannah)
  • Runner Up Adult handler (Kyle Baboth)

Hamlot Park Minuet / Uhavta Linen N Lace/ Uhavta Negligee

Photo credit: Melissa Hogg

Uhavta Linen N Lace

Photo credit: Melissa Hogg

  • Uhavta Linen N Lace
    • Champion led ASP mare 13.2-14.2hh
    • Reserve champion led studbook exhibit
    • Supreme Led senior ASP exhibit

    Uhavta Hourglass

  • Uhavta Hourglass
    • Champion ridden Studbook exhibit
    • Reserve champion child’s ridden 12-17 years
    • Reserve champion ridden double registered Mare

    Uhavta Royal Juliette/ Uhavta MBrace

    Photo credit: Melissa Hogg

  • Uhavta Royal Juliette
    • Champion led ASPA Mare 12.2-13.2hh
    • Champion Led double registered Mare
    • Reserve champion ridden studbook

    Uhavta Negligee

  • Uhavta Negligee (First show)
    • Champion led studbook exhibit
    • Reserve champion led ASP filly

    Uhavta MBrace

  • Uhavta MBrace (first show)
    • 2nd led studbook filly and 2nd led 3yo ASP filly


Thank you to Kim Humphreys and Marc Jones for the photos. Also more on Melissa Hogg photography.

Other ponies we sold did well, Uhavta Love N Life (Jodie Jones) Champion ASP gelding and Runner Up Supreme senior. Congratulations to Teagan Lewis with Hamlot Park Minuet (Ascot Royal Tribute / Uhavta Miss Deception) who had a great show. Also congratulations to breeder Bobby Hammet.


News from Deanne Dalton and Uhavta Jackpot

  • Anikka and Jag (Uhavta Jackpot) had their very first HRCAV Show today representing Surf Coast Riding Club Inc; and what a day they had!
    Graded Level 2, they were:
    1st Smartest on Parade Level 1 or Level 2,
    1st Ridden Exhibit Level 1 or Level 2 and
    3rd Rider, Level 1 or Level 2!!
    So proud of Anikka and Jaggy!


Dilute Hi Point Awards

  • Photos of Alannah and Wentworth with their awards.

November 2015


  • Uhavta Impressive (Kinloch Stables) Champion ridden small hunter Galloway.

  • Uhavta Heiress and Alannah competed in Debutantes small hack and were finalists. Alannah did a great job for a 13yo OTT. Hooters was such a good girl and is such a good natured mare. Alannah does it all with this little mare. Great job.


photo credit: Derek O'Leary

  • Hamlot Park Minuet: Congratulations to owner Teagan Lewis and Breeder Bobby Hammet for the great win of Champion debutante Galloway. Minuet is by Ascot Royal Tribute out of Uhavta Miss Decepion. Also congratulations to stallion owner-Melanie McGuire.



  • Uhavta Royal Nursery Rhyme: Hi Point 2014-2015-runner up Yearling


  • Kobeach Flowers Now has a new home with Gordon Templer.

  • News from Kaitlyn Martin who is having alot of fun and winning ribbons with Uhavta Royal Fairytale,


RP state Show Queensland

  • News from the Harris Family with Uhavta Intune N Intime-Supreme Champion Senio Led Riding pony Exhibit. Ivy also was Runner Up Galloway (Paul Austin) at Tamworth NSW Country Championships qualifying for Grand Nationals. Congratulations to the Harris and Hammet Family.



Australian Palomino Horsebreeders Show


  • News from Kaylene Butterworth, Uhavta Royal Lullaby got Reserve champion led and Hi Point Palomino Filly and Diamond award winner.


Dilutes Australia Hi Point Awards 2014-2015

National awards

  • Uhavta Royal Nursery Rhyme

    • Hi Point Palomino Halter Filly under 3 years


  • Uhavta Royal Juliette
    • Hi Point Buckskin 4 years and over Mare Led

    • Hi Point Buckskin 4 years and over mare ridden

    • Hi Point Buckskin open performance hacking

State awards

  • Uhavta Royal Nursery Rhyme

    • Hi Point Palomino Halter Filly under 3 years


  •  Uhavta Royal Juliette

    • Hi Point Buckskin 4 years and over Mare Led

    • Hi Point Buckskin 4 years and over mare ridden

        Diamond Award, Bronze, Silver, Gold

        Prism award, Bronze, silver, gold


Julie Wilson Professional Photos

Uhavta Impressive at SHC Masters (Virginia Osborne) and David Warde

Uhavta Intune N Intime (Bobby Hammet) ridden by Samantha Kennedy-winning Novice Galloway

Uhavta Royal Juliette and Lilly Noles in the saddle at VASL 2015

Photo credit : Julie Wilson


Uhavta M-Brace

  • We took some happy snaps at home


Whittlesea Show

  • News from Kaylene Butterworth hat Uhavta Royal Lullaby won Reserve Champion led palomino mare/filly.

Colac Ag

  • News from Deanne Dalton, Anikka and Uhavta Jackpot won child's Galloway and reserve champion ridden.

October 2015

Geelong Royal

  • News from Brendan Russell that Uhavta Impressive owned by Virginia Osborne and ridden by David Ward was best novice hunter Galloway and champion ridden hunter Galloway.

  • News from Deanne Dalton-Uhavta Jackpot got 2nd district Galloway


Barham/Koondrook Ag Show

  • Uhavta Royal Juliete

  •  Reserve champ open ridden large pony

  •   Champion led part welsh exhibit

  •  Champion led Arab/Arab Derivative

  •  Champion led RPSB exhibit

  •  Champion led Open pony

  •  Supreme Led Exhibit


  • Uhavta Heiress

    • 1st ridden hack



Mildura Ag Show

  • Uhavta Royal Juliete

  • Reserve senior RPSB exhibit

  •  Champion led coloured exhibit

Uhavta Heiress: third photo: Carmel Pethick

  • Uhavta Heiress

    • Champion ridden child’s hack


Swan Hill Ag Show

  • Uhavta Royal Juliette

  • Champion led Part welsh mare/filly

  • Champion led senior buckskin exhibit

  • Supreme Led Buckskin exhibit

  •  Champion led Arabian derivative mare/filly

  •  Reserve champion led APSB derivative


Thank you to Nerida Morrish and Aces Wild. Alannah had a hoot riding him to many wins including champion rider and reserve champion ridden hack.



September 2015


Foaling Season

  • Has arrived and finished within four days, all where overdue.

    • Valmae -Lucas Cranach / Carbonados-black thoroughbred filly with a white star

    • Uhavta Pickme (Paddy)-Uhavta Country Charm / Uhavta Royal Emerald0Brown colt

    • Uhavta Party Girl (Pandora)-Uhavta Kensington / Kirreway Dover-Bay filly


    "Uhavta Pick Me (Paddy)"

    "Uhavta Party Girl (Pandora)"


Robinvale-Euston Ag Show

  • Uhavta Royal Juliette: Multiple champion and reserve champion led and ridden in open and breeds rings. Supreme led Breeds exhibit and Supreme led Coloured Exhibit.

  • Uhavta Heiress: Champion led and ridden ANSA, Champion led thoroughbred, reserve champion ridden newcomer hack and open ridden hack, and with Alannah , champion rider.


Uhavta Royal Juliette with Alannah and judge: Maryanne Dunstan


Uhavta Royal Juliette: Supreme Led Breeds and Supreme led coloured exhibit.

Uhavta Heiress and Alannah


News from owners

  • Uhavta Jackpot ("Jag") and Anikka Dalton: Newcomb Pre Royal Show ,Anikka was 1st and Reserve Champion Rider 12 - 18 Years Jag 1st and Champion Galloway. Corio Moorabool Pre Royal : Anikka was Champion Rider 12 - 18 Years and Jag Champion Galloway!



The line up for Supreme Rider at Corio Moorabool Pre Royal

  • Uhavta Glitz N Glamour has been sold to a lovely home in Geelong. Congratulations to Holly Anstee.

    "I am emailing you to let you know that we have purchased ‘Rabbit’  - Uhavta Glitz N Glamour from Teagan Lewis – we feel so lucky to have one of your ponies and are very much looking forward to many years of fun with him.  Once he has settled in we plan to get him out and about at some of the local shows.  We will keep you up to date with how he is going!

    Kind Regards

    Jo Anstee"


  • Uhavta Melody N Music and Emma Collins is currently being mouthed and broken in.

  • Uhavta Go Go Girl has been sold to Sharon and Prue Robinson.

  • Uhavta Earle Of Arrogance and Keely Wedrat and out competing.

  • Uhavta Khe Sanh and Christine Malinoski winning sashes at Wentworth Ag show. Shown by Carmel Pethwick.

Christine with her pretty boy-Louis (Uhavta Khe Sanh)

 Photo credits : Carmel Pethwick

  • News from Bobby Hammet:


      • So excited and the most perfect home for our amazing Ivy

      • I would like to thank Sam Kennedy for Professionally campaigning Ivy over the past 2 year what an amazing team they have made with Royal wins and horse of the years runner ups

      • Thanks Sammi for all the love you have put into showing Ivy  xx


  • Our beautiful Grande mare Malibu Park Royal Creation has now gone to reside with Eavie and Ruby King in Warnambool. They have promised to give Floss a loving home in her later years, and I am sure they will love her like we have. She will return home if they no longer require her or are unable to keep her. All reports she has settled in well and has attended pony club and is being loved which is all we can ask for. Thanks Ruby and Eavie for giving Floss a loving home' Please give her lots of xoxox to Floss regularly for us.

My favourite pictures of Floss and Eavie.



  • Been slack ordering professional photos. To Follow are:

  • Professional photos 2014-2015 arrived from Angie Rickard and are beautiful. Thank you Angie.

Canberra Royal 2015-Uhava Royal Nursery Rhyme (Supreme Palomino)

Royal Melbourne Horse Show 2015-Uhavta Imitation and Uhavta Nice N Naughty


VASA Horse of the Year 2015-Uhavta Imitation and Shanae Elford


 VASA Horse of the Year 2015-Uhavta Royal Juliette and Lilly Noles


Adelaide Royal Show 2014-Uhavta Intune N Intime

Sydney Royal 2014-Uhavta Intune N Inime / Uhavta Impressive


  • Professional photos 2013-2014-2015 arrived from Derek O'Leary and we are impressed.

VASA Horse of the Year 2015

Uhavta Royal Juliette (Photo credit: Derek OLeary)


VASV 2014-Uhavta Hourglass and Alannah


VASV 2014-Uhavta Imitation and Maddi Lloyd /Royal Melbourne Horse Show-Uhavta Imitation and Shanae Elford

Adelaide Royal 2014

Uhavta Intune N Intime

and below

Uhavta Jackpot


Uhavta Hourglass

Uhavta Imitation




Uhavta Impressive (Virginia Osborne ridden by David Ward)/ Uhavta Glitz N Glamour (Teagan Lewis)


August 2015

Congratulations to:

  • Uhavta Royal Juliette and Alannah on receiving these beautiful awards for the National Buckskin society.


Runner-Up Hi Point Led Mare


Silver and Gold award led section A / Silver award-Open Section A


  • Congratulations to Anikka Dalton and Uhavta Jackpot, at Corio Moorabool Pre Royal Show. Anikka was Champion Rider 12 - 18 Years and Jag Champion Galloway!


Swan Hill and Nyah PC Gymkana's

  • Uhavta Heiress: and Alannah have competed at both evens. "Hooters" has done extremely well and is going kindly, winning and placing in events and received a reserve champion led. Alannah prepares and does all the work with "Hooters", a great effort with a thoroughbred off the track.


  • Uhavta Getaway: is a games and jumps pony, winning multiple novelty and jumping events over the two gymkana's.

  • Fenwick Odie: returns to the show ring with Tai Jones in the saddle winning multiple champion and reserve awards.



   Proud to be  supporters of 

The Riding Pony Stud Book Society Ltd.

Victorian Committee






July 2015

  • Uhavta Royal Nursery Rhyme has been sold to a lovely home. We wish the Watson family great success with this lovely filly and look forward to hearing her results.

"Silho left for her new home. Thanks to Parsons transport for taking great care of her."


  • Uhavta Love N Life has also been sold to a wonderful family, and we look forward to the updates of his successes.

"Deni-tucked up in his new stable"


News from Owners

  • Uhavta Jackpot and Anikka Dalton are having fun over the winter break. Congratulations on your success at the Victorian interschools.

"Jag having a fun day learning to jump."


  • Two new thoroughbreds arrive.

June 2015

  • Our weanlings

    Uhavta One N Only

     (1/2 sibling to Uhavta Buttons N Bows, Uhavta Diamonds N Dreams, Uhavta Glitz N Glamour,

    Uhavta Intune N Inime, Uhavta Love N Life and Uhavta Melody N Music)


    Uhavta Ooh La La

    (full sibling to Uhavta MyLuckyday )


  • Uhavta Heiress has been removed for the For sale list.


  • Uhavta Love N Life has been sold to a lovely family and we look forward to seeing Deni campaigned and coming out under saddle in the future.


  • Uhavta Melody N Music "Maxine" is now owned by Emma Collins.



  • Its A Rat raced at Mildura and isn't fast enough for a racing career. He has been sold to Kaytlyn Lawton to become a ODE. We wish them all the best with Rett and look forward to the updates.

Rett at has new home



May 2015

SA Autumn Dressage Championships

  • Congratulations to Amity Hancock and 'Uhavta Imposter" on winning the Bit Bank Australia sponsored Mount Crawford Autumn Dressage Champs Pony Elementary class! “Flynny also won the novice with 70% and overall Champion Pony


April 2015


Bendigo Pony Club Interschool challenge:

  • Uhavta Getaway and Alannah: 1st in Year 7 games pony and Champion secondary Games Pony. 1st in round 1 jumping and 1st in handler.

  • Uhavta Hourglass and Alannah: 6th best educated, 5th rider, 3rd pleasure and 6th Smartest on Parade.

  • Fenwick Odie and Tai Jones-2nd overall in competition in her age group.

Uhavta Getaway

Uhavta Hourglass and Alannah, Fenwick Odie and Tai Jones


Some Swan Hill girls hanging out before their classes.

Uhavta Hourglass (Alannah Burns), Fenwick Odie (Tai Jones) , Lilly Noles and Jazz Martin.


News from Owners:

  • Congratulations to Erin Montford and Uhavta Lemaire at Sydney Royal. There first Royal show 2nd led Arabian derivative gelding, 2nd led part bred APSB and 5th Led part welsh.

  • Uhavta Intune N Intime (Bobby Hammet and Samantha Kennedy): 6th open heavyweight Galloway.

  • News from Amity Hancock and Uhavta Imposter: SA State Championships-" Flynny was outstanding and such a good boy even in the pouring rain. We ended up runner up champion pony but I think the highlight was our scores of 74 and 72%! He really did give me some great rides"


  • Updated pictures of Uhavta Khe Sahn owned by Christine Malinovski


  • News from Melissa Henry and Uhavta Head Over Heels : First show for this season-Annabelle and Herbie-Champion pony hack at Gunnedah District Show. Annabelle did jumping, dressage Friday, open ring Saturday and then District events on Sunday.


MARCH 2015


Adelaide Royal Autumn Breeds Show

more pic's on photogallery

  • Uhavta Nice N Naughty

    •  Champion Junior Led Arabian Derivative

    • Champion Led Non pure bred /riding pony Mare or filly

    • Champion led RPSBS Filly

    • Reserve champion led ASP junior exhibit

    • Reserve champion led part welsh exhibit   

    • Supreme Champion Led RPSBs Exhibit

    Thank you to the wonderful sponsors

    Cotton Won a rug for champion APSB-RP (Taldara Sports Ponies). A rug for champion RPSB Filly (sponsored by RPSB SA committee ) and garland and rug for Supreme RP (sponsored by RPSB SA committee). Ruby medal, and crystal medal. Rossi boots prize for breeder


  • Uhavta Royal Juliette

    • Champion Led ASP Mare

    • Champion led RPSB Mare

    •  Champion Led Senior Buckskin

    •  Reserve Champion Led Non pure bred /riding pony Mare or filly

    • Reserve champion Senior  led Ancillary exhibit

    • Grand Champion Led Led Buckskin/Dun exhibit

Rustette won a rug for champion RPSB Mare-Sponsor Braefoot Park / Rag 4 Nags and flower posey for Grand champion buckskin. Plaque sponsored for champion ASP Mare from the ASP association

Wyann Bounty (Elsie Chalmers) and Alannah-Champion ridden welsh in both rings, reserve champion led ASP and 1st ridden ASP gelding under 122.2hh.

Wyann Bounty and Tai-champion handlers in APSB and Welsh ring, 3rd in lead reins.


Thankyou to all our helpers and especially Kyle Baboth our handler.

Ring Side



Cohuna Ag show

  • Uhavta Royal Juliette

    • Champion Led Arab and Arabian derivative

    • Champion led buckskin exhibit

    • Champion led RPSB exhibit

    • Reserve champion led ASP exhibit

  • Uhavta Hourglass and Uhavta Imitation-got wins and a Reserve champion ridden Galloway.

  • Fenwick Odie

    • Reserve champion ridden small pony

Wyann Bounty and Tai 2nd turnout, 2nd lead rein, 1st rider, 1st ridden hunter.


Wakool Ag show

Thanks Kyle for coming to lead and Jordan for taking photos.

  • Uhavta Royal Juliette

    • Champion Led APSB PB /APSB RP
    • Champion led coloured exhibit
    • Champion led part welsh exhibit
    • Champion led RPSB exhibit
    • 1st open pony 13-13.2hh, plus many more wins and placing's in breed classes under saddle.

  • Uhavta Royal Nursery Rhyme

    • Reserve champion Led APSB PB /APSB RP

    • Reserve champion led palomino

  • Uhavta Hourglass

    • Champion ridden Galloway

  • Uhavta Imitation

    • Reserve Champion ridden large Pony

  • Uhavta Heiress (alias Hooters or Bush Barmaid)

    • Commenced as a child's newcomer hack with Alannah on board-2nd in novice ridden hack.

  • Fenwick Odie (with Tai Jones in the saddle)

    • Champion led Shetland exhibit
    • Reserve Champion ridden small pony
    • Reserve champion rider 12 years and under (Tai)


Girls having fun with their ponies

You tube Video: Uhavta Getaway and Fenwick Odie

Uhavta Getaway (riding Pony) Sire: Uhavta Country Charm SOS Urubula Regal Promise, Dam : Uhavta Madame Roseville SOD Owendale Percival. This pony has been shown with great success, now does pony club, jumping and novelties but more importantly loves girls play. Fenwick Odie our shetland who has taught so so many many children to ride. He is an absolute Gem. He loves his life and sugar cubes. Riders are friends -Alannah and Lilly and they love all their ponies and ours and it shows.


For Sale Video's and photos-taken 8/03/15


You tube Video: Uhavta Nightlife

You tube Video: Uhavta Royal Nursery Rhyme


You tube Video: Uhavta Myluckyday

You tube Video: Uhavta Melody N Music

You tube Video: Uhavta Marcasite

You tube Video: Uhavta M Brace


You tube Video: Uhavta Love N Life


Uhavta Nightlife



Uhavta Melody N Music



Uhavta Marcasite



Uhavta M Brace




Uhavta Love N Life



Farm Pics

Carbonados in foal to Lucas Cranach

Uhavta Negligee maturing nicely in the paddock.


Canberra Royal Show 2015.

  •  Uhavta Royal Juliette: 1st Led Buckskin Mare ne 14hh and  Champion Led Buckskin Mare/Filly

  • Uhavta Royal Nursery Rhyme: 1st Led Palomino Filly and Champion Led Palomino Mare/filly, Supreme Led Palomino Exhibit.

Thank you to Dilutes Australia Ltd. NSW and ACT branch for the lovely trophy and woollen rug we received. Also thank you to International Animal Suplies for the lovely bucket of Goodies. Lastly we can not thank Omega Feeds enough for sponsoring us with beautiful omega feeds that the ponies love.


Uhavta Royal Nursery Rhyme (Photo Angie Rickard)


Congratulations to Bobby Hammet and Samantha Kennedy with Uhavta Intune N Intime-6th in open heavyweight Galloway 14.2-15hh.


Kerang Gymkana 2015

  • Uhavta Getaway and Alannah
    • Champion led pony, Reserve champion ridden Pony, Champion rider, and Champion Open Novelty combination.

  • Fenwick Odie and Tai Jones
    • 1st ridden pony under 10.2hh, 2nd led pony under 10.2hh, 3rd rider,1st fattest pony, 1st longest tail. and lots more. Go Tai and Odie.

    Marc being a proud Dad


Heytsbury Show

News From Deanne Dalton-Thankyou and congratulations

  • Uhavta Jackpot :Anikka and Jag
    • 1st and Reserve Champion Galloway
    • 2nd Smartest on Parade
    • Anikka was 3rd in her rider in a very strong class.


News from Amity and Uhavta Imposter

  • At a show on the weekend where they won the novice tests on over 67%!

  • At the local dressage club horse of the year award. He had an average score for 2014 of nearly 70%! And he was runner up in the SA Dressage pony of the year award!

    Congratulations Amity and Flynn.


Berwick Ag show

News from Kaylene Butterworth and Uhavta Royal Lullaby.

  • 1st Led Palomino filly and Champion led Palomino Mare/filly, and Supreme Led Palomino

Barastoc Horse Of The Year Show 2015 (Palomino's and Buckskin classes)

Thank you to our wonderful leader Kyle Baboth, Helen and rider Alannah Burns


Full Sisters

  • Uhavta Royal Nersery Rhyme-Champion led yearling palomino and 1st in body colour female.



  • Uhavta Royal Juliette- Reserve champion led Buckskin Mare and 3rd Ridden Buckskin mare 12.2-14hh. Alannah 6th in her rider.


Foal pictures-photos taken: 7/02/15 on a hot 40 degree day under the trees.

  • Uhavta One N Only (Uhavta Kensington / Silkwood Mustard Seed), Chestnut Filly. Expecting to mature small pony. 1/2 sister to Uhavta Buttons N Bows, Uhavta Diamonds N Dreams, Uhavta Intune N Intime, Uhavta Glits N Glamour, Uhavta Love N Life and Uhavta Melody N Music.


  • Uhavta Ohh La La (Uhavta Country Charm / Knigtsbridge Royale), Full sister to Uhavta Myluckyday. Expecting to mature large galloway.


Other paddock Pics


Uhavta Negligee (Syon Royal Portrait / Uhavta Royal Emerald), Uhavta Marcasite (Uhavta Country Charm/ Uhavta Diamontina)


Uhavta Negligee (Syon Royal Portrait / Uhavta Royal Emerald)


Melbourne Royal Horse show and the Equinade Ruby anniversary RPOTY show

Wow all I can say is we are very proud of all our ponies and their results. Great time had by the camp. To many people to thank, Kyle our handler extraordinaire, Alannah, Lilly, Shanae, Dimity, Elsie, Jodie , Tai, Marie, Laura, Al, and Em. Thank you also to the catch leads Debbie and Daniel and one we are unsure of name. Special thankyou to our sponsors Omega Feeds. Thankyou. More Professional photos to come.



Photo credit: Robyn Cuzen


  • Winner of the Eqinade-Home produced junior riding pony

  • Finalist Top 5-Kiera Park Led yearling riding pony (Cotten) Finalist Top 5

  • SUPREME WINNER-Chippenham Trophy Supreme Led Junior Riding Pony (Junior Led Home Produced Show Pony & Show Hunter, Junior Led Show Hunter, Show Pony Yearling , ShowPony 2 & 3yr (Redpath’s)


Royal Melbourne Horse Show

  • Uhavta Myluckyday

    • ARP colt 2+3   - 2nd 

    • RPSB hack colt 3ys and under  - 1st

    • Led open 2+3 colt -2nd

  • Uhavta Linen N Lace

    • ARP filly 2+3  - 4th

    • Led ASP filly under 3 years - 5th

    • Led RPSB filly 13.1-14.1hh -2nd 

    • Led part welsh 2+3 over 13.2hh - 3rd

    • Led APSB RP filly - 3rd

Uhavta Nice N Naughty (Photo credit: Angie Rickard)


  • Uhavta Nice N Naughty

    • ARP filly yearling   - 2nd

    • Led part welsh yearling 12.2-13.2hh - 2nd

    • Led RPSB yearling 12.3-13.3 - 4th

    • *Led APSB RP  filly - 2nd and Reserve champion led APSB-RP Mare/filly

Photo credit: Derek Oleary

  • Uhavta Love N Life

    • ARP gelding 2+3- 3rd

    • RPSBS gelding 3 years -  6th

    • Led ASP gelding 3 yrs and under  - 6th

    • * Led APSB RP gelding -2nd and Reserve champion led APSB-RP Male

    Uhavta Imitation (Photo credit: Angie Rickard)


Photo credit: Derek OLeary

  • Uhavta Imitation

    • ARP mare -   5th

    • Arab derive Ridden - 3rd

    • Led part welsh mare 12.2-13.2hh -   6th

    •  Ridden RPSB 13-13.2hh -5th

    • Ridden part welsh mare 12.2-13.2hh- 6th

Photo credit: Derek OLeary

  • Uhavta Royal Juliette

    • *Led part welsh mare 12.2-13.2hh- 1st and Reserve champion led part welsh mare

    • Led buckskin mare 10.2-14hh - 2nd

    • Led ASP Mare 12.2-13.2hh  - 1st

    • Ridden buckskin mare 14hh and under -3rd

    • Led APSB RP  Mare - 2nd

    • ridden ASP Mare 12.2-13.2hh - 3rd

    • Ridden APSB RP Mare -2nd

Congratulations to Elsie Chalmers and Wyann Bounty-winner of Lead rein hunter with Tai Jones ion the saddle and reserve champion small hunter pony with Alannah Burns in the saddle.

thanks Jodie Jones for the photos; Photo credit -Julie Wilson

Congratulation to other Uhavta bred horses that competed:  ,Uhavta Royal Extravagance (Ford Family), Top 10 saddlehorse small pony ,1st and champion ridden APSB RP,3rd part welsh gelding ridden under 12,2hh, Open ridden gelding ne 12.2hh 3rd , ASP gelding ne 12.2hh ridden 2nd and Ridden RPSB ne 12,2hh 4th

 Uhavta Royal Lullaby (Kaylene Butterworth), 4th led part welsh 2+3yo ne 12.2hh , 3rd ASP filly under 3 years, 5th LED APSB-RP under 3years

 Uhavta Jackpot (Annika Dalton),5th ridden Arabian derivative over 14.2hh ne 15hh, 6th Arabian or Arabian derivative bridlepath hack over 14hh ne 15hh


News from Amity Hancock

"Very exciting news this morning - Flynny-Uhavta Imposter and I have been picked for the ESA Young Rider Squad! It is my fifth consecutive year on the squad, but Flynny's first. Very proud of him! Thanks Dressage SA, looking forward to a wonderful year!


VASL saddle horse Championships-8/01/15


Only competed one day. Mj with Dad in hospital. Shanae got sick and Alannah was unable to ride Hayley in rising star, they came home earlier.

 Uhavta Hourglass

  • Alannah rider on Uhavta Hourglass 3rd

Uhavta Royal Juliette

  • Top 10 Newcomer Large pony (Lilly)                        

Uhavta Royal Juliette and Lilly Noles (Photo Angie Rickard)

Uhavta Royal Juliette and Lilly Noles in the saddle at VASL 2015

Photo credit: Julie Wilson

Uhavta Imitation 

  • Top 10 Rising star Large pony (Shanae)

Uhavta Imitation and Shanae Elford (Photo credit: Angie Rickard)




News from new owners of: Mirinda Gold Flake. "Lexie " is in foal to Goldmine Audition-Congratulations to Regalgold Palominos www.regalgoldpalominos.com .


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